We speed up your shopping

Do you like to shop online but get tired of time-consuming steps? With Portmonetka you can forget about long forms or login passwords. This online shopping solution will bring the joy of buying back to you!

Ilustracja kobiety trzymającej torby z zakupami i mężczyzny wskazującego na duży ekran smartfona z widokiem koszyka i podsumowaniem zakupu online.

See the Portmonetka button?

You click, pay and... bought

Mężczyzna siedzący przed laptopem i trzymający dokument w dłoni. Obok koperta z dokumentem PDF.
Illustration of phone with order confirmation screen and item descriptions
You do not register a new account. You use an existing login such as Wp.pl, Onet or Allegro in any Portmonetka store.
Mężczyzna siedzący przed laptopem i trzymający dokument w dłoni. Obok koperta z dokumentem PDF.
With each purchase you have your contact information automatically completed.
You use a memorized form of delivery (e.g. to your favorite parcel machine).
You pay with your preferred payment method - such as BLIK, Google Pay or Apple Pay.
You buy safely with a proven operator - Van.

With Portmonetka

you will get your shopping done:

In that intuitive and standardised way you know from popular shopping platforms. No matter which Portmonetka-integrated shop you buy from, you benefit from a single interface and stored data.
Ikona koszyka na zakupy w oknie przeglądarki


Laptop ze stoperem, symbolizującym szybkość.


Ikona ręki trzymającej kartę.


Portmonetka will solve

your problems:

Configure once,

buy fast always

Want to buy quickly and conveniently every time? Just provide the necessary information when you make your first purchases, and you will always enjoy instant order completion.

Set your preferences

When you make your first purchase, log in to Furgonetka with one of your accounts (e.g. Wp.pl, Gmail, Allegro), complete your address details, set your preferred form of delivery and select your preferred form of payment. Done.
Illustration of a man setting preferences on a smartphone.

Buy in seconds

"Shop now" in shops with Portmonetka implemented and finalise your purchase with a single click - without completing long forms or entering card numbers. Fast and secure.
Illustration of a woman with a shopping bag next to a phone with a confirmation screen of an order placed in a shop

Return to your favorite stores

Re-shop at your favorite stores that have Portmonetka. The intuitive process will be the same every time. Exactly like the familiar shopping platforms.
Illustration of a woman sitting at a desk, shopping online with coins beside her.

How will your shopping experience change

with Portmonetka?

List of entries with address details.

Fast and repeatable shopping process

You will fall in love with the intuitive process that will lead you to finalize your order without any obstacles.
Stopwatch against a payment card background


In a few seconds, you will go through the short and simple stage of finalising your purchases at various shops with Portmonetka implemented.
Illustration of a completed form with auto-complete symbols.

Greater shopping convenience

You'll benefit from auto-complete, so you don't have to enter the same information every time.
Shield illustration


You will do your shopping without creating more accounts in different stores. As a result, your data will be provided only in one place.
Illustration of a smartphone with a shopping basket icon.

Easier shopping
on a smartphone

Buy your favorite products from your smartphone, wherever and whenever you want. You'll get the whole transaction done in one window.

See in 60 seconds

how it works: